CUIs will transform the customer relationship

Taken from a longer piece titled “Will Alexa Own Your Customers” that Charlie was interviewed for in August

The coming generation of CUIs will change the nature of the customer experience, including where and how it happens. For Charlie Cadbury, CEO of UK-based SayItNow, whose market includes blue chip brands in ecommerce, apparel, and automotive sectors, “The promised land is a few years away, but it’s coming soon. Customers have realized it’s quicker to use natural language, and they are going to expect an immediate response from brands. The big breakthrough is natural language processing, which underpins all these chatbots and conversational interfaces.”

At SayItNow, Charlie says, “We believe it will be ever more important for brands to have a compelling conversational assistant and thus stay abreast of the way the ecosystem is changing consumer behaviors. Conversational SEO will be ever more important and conversational commerce channels will start to outperform other channels due to its trusted, personalized nature. Over time these assistants will become the principal route for access to products and services.”

SayItNow’s advice to brands that wish to maintain relevance is that they need to implement a conversational strategy now. “It’s like training a child how to talk,” Cadbury explains. “In the beginning you can make a lot of quick progress, but to become an excellent brand ambassador will take years.”

Read the full article here.

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